Our company was founded to meet the need of top group rental cars in Istanbul and Bodrum.
Our team consists of experienced dynamic and people with an emphasis on aesthetics.
Our Mission, is to maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction with a smiling face
We offer Professional Services in Istanbul and Bodrum with latest model vehicles
We provide a friendly environment for our guests therefore help then to have a smooth and happy holiday.
Our goal is to promote our beautiful country better to share our culture and do have a better future.
Some of our references area: The U.S. president Mr. Obama ‘s protocol section of Istanbul,
IMF Istanbul meeting 2009 Mitsubishi Tokyo Bank Manegement,NATOÂ Istanbul meeting 2010 Ministers,
Health Congres İstanbul 2010various local and foreign singers concerts in Bodrum,
guest heads of state and officials and group of businessmen and top managers